Antioch Public Works

Updates from Public Works Department

Grant Funded Projects

The City has completed the installation of a brand new flashing crosswalk in front of Antioch Middle School. This installation is part of a larger grant project to update the school crossing signs and markings to increase safety around the school. This project is just one example of what the City is doing to keep students and drivers safe from traffic and pedestrian accidents.

Grant Funded Flashing Crosswalk

Water Main Break

Water Distribution crews responded to a water main break in the afternoon of Tuesday, November 27th. The main break occurred on Eagleridge Drive near Lone Tree Way. The repairs continued into the early morning hours the next day. Aged infrastructure caused the break. Visit our Facebook page to view a short video of the repairs on Public Work’s Facebook Page.

Water service was briefly interrupted while the crew isolated the break. Customers affected by the main by the main break may experience sediment in their water or air (banging noises) in their plumbing. If this occurs, running water through the highest faucet or the faucet in the backyard usually clears the line. If the problem persists, please contact Public Works and we will send a crew out to resolve the issue.

Sandbag Station


The City’s sandbag distribution site is up and running. The station is located at the City’s corporation yard at 1201 W 4th Street; the sandbag station is self-serve and costs $1.00 per bag. 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Come to the Public Works office to pay for the bags. During storms the station is open and available 24 hours a day; after 4:00 p.m. on weekdays you will enter at West 4th and N Streets, the sandbag station is on the right-hand side just before the gate.


Have you tried the SeeClickFix app on your mobile device?

The Public works department launched SeeClickFix, a citizen engagement app with enhanced features, used to report non-emergency issues in our community. This app has a mobile component that allows for on-the-go reporting, and an online component that allows residents to stay informed on community issues. Used together with dedicated City-staff, SeeClickFix empowers citizen participation in community affairs, reduces response times from collecting quality information, and improves transparency through collaborative interaction with City-staff. These benefits promote stronger communication with residents, and strengthens our relationship with the community.


Steps to download:

  1. Search for ‘SeeClickFix’ on Google Play or iTunes App Store.
  2. Download ‘SeeClickFix’ and set Antioch as your hometown and areas to interest.
  3. Create SeeClickFix account using your email address and pertinent user information.
  4. Begin reporting!

The SeeClickFix mobile app is available for download on Android GooglePlay marketplace, and for Download on the Apple App store. In addition to the mobile apps, citizens can send reports online at (HERE)
